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Cognitive Distortions Worksheet

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Comfort Zone Model



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Cognitive Distortions Worksheet

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Comfort Zone Model


Ready to Start Your Journey?

Life coaching

What is a Coaching Mindset?

A coaching mindset is to be open minded and non-judgemental. To believe in potential, suspending bias and assumption. It has genuine curiosity, asks open questions and listens to understand. It is forward thinking and solutions focussed. 


What are the benefits of having a coaching mindset? 


Having a coaching mindset means that you can be your own coach. When faced with opportunity, challenge or uncertainty, you have the tools, resources and confidence within you to seize it, overcome it or simply roll with it. 


You are much better placed to help others too, it makes you a better friend, colleague, employee or manager. 

So what is a
Conscious Leader……….

A conscious leader is committed to their personal and professional development, they play to their strengths but are aware of their gaps. They lead from their core values, have a high level of self-awareness and are mindful of their impact on others.


They feel at their core a sense of personal responsibility to take ownership and be accountable. To act with integrity and do the right thing, regardless of impact on self. They know it is their responsibility to be a role model and to ensure balance in their lives.


They are team centric, understanding that they are nothing without their people. They create an inclusive environment built on trust and collaboration where it’s ok to be vulnerableand everyone can thrive. They have a coaching mindset, they empower, inspire and develop and where needed hold others accountable to enable everyone to be their best and do their best.


They have the gift of agility, able to tap into a a wide range of emotions and skills whilst remaining authentic. They can adapt to people and situations looking for win-win solutions.  They are resourceful, curious and grounded in humility not pride.


A conscious leader knows that they aren’t perfect, they never will be, they are human. 


They will make mistakes, get things wrong and drop the ball. But when they do, they will own it, learn from it and move forward.


A conscious leader is forever a work in progress and that’s ok.

Smiling woman
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